Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Return of the NBA Center

I am sorry for ruining your
 life with this picture
The recent signing of Dwight Howard by the Houston Rockets made many Lakers fans upset. On the other side of the coin, however, Rockets players and fans were rejoicing. That is, everyone except for Omer Asik. The 27 year old center didn’t want Howard to join the Rockets, mainly because he didn’t want a downgraded role after starting all 82 games for the Rockets last year. Asik formally asked Rockets management for a trade, but it appears as if the Rockets aren’t planning on trading Asik anytime soon. Asik has a 3 year contract worth $25 million, a cap hit of a little over $8 million per year. With the signing of Josh Smith to the Detroit Pistons, the hopes of having a big three in Houston all but evaporated. With the request made by Asik, the Rockets could look into trading Asik for a power forward like ***Ryan Anderson, a three point specialist who could stretch the defense and give Howard room in the paint to operate. Anderson’s cap hit is about the same as Asik, so the deal would make financial sense.
  Another NBA big man who’s in the center of NBA news is Andrew Bynum. The Andrew Bynum Sweepstakes now includes the Cleveland Cavaliers, who join the Dallas Mavericks as the main suitors of the former Laker star. After the fiasco with the 76ers, I would be cautious in signing Bynum to anything other than a 1 year deal. Not only did he not play AT ALL the entire year, but Sixers fans had to look at his god-awful hair, taunting them with its existence.


He really enjoyed
the nachos he had
  If the Cavaliers do end up signing Bynum, they would have a key piece to add to an already solid starting lineup. Kyrie Irving is a rising superstar in the league, Dion Waiters is instant offense, Alonzo Gee can hold his own at small forward, Tristan Thompson is developing into a solid NBA power forward, and Anderson Varejao is the Brazilian version of Joakim Noah. Not to mention the number one overall pick Anthony Bennett. Cavaliers sources said that no player in the 2013 Draft would be in their starting lineup from day one, so unless Bennett absolutely tears it up in the summer league and in training camp, expect to see him coming off the bench for at least a solid part of the season. 

***Note this was written before I noticed that SB nation had the Asik for Anderson rumor

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