Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Death of Tiki-Taka Football --- Why Spain Had No Chance in the World Cup

As most football fans are aware of, the 2008 Euro Cup, 2010 World Cup, and 2012 Euro Cup winners, Spain, have been eliminated after just two World Cup matches. Not only did Spain lose, they lost badly. A Spanish side that only conceded two goals in seven matches in the 2010 World Cup gave up seven goals in only two matches thus far in the World Cup. Frankly, Spain were dominated.

But the question is why? This was practically the same squad that won all the previous championships, with the same manager, with the same tactics. Could age have really been the main factor? Not likely, although many of the Spanish players have reached or are soon to reach their thirties.

As all of these things have stayed the same -- stayed constant -- there is one very important factor that has changed over the last six years. The style of football that other countries and clubs play. With Tiki-Taka dominating everyone, there was an increased demand to figure out a way how to defeat it. All Tiki-Taka is is slow build-up play through the middle of the field with short passes. This is why Spain's excellent midfield of Iniesta, Xabi Alonso, Xavi, etc., were so key to their successs; they had the ability to control the ball in the middle of the field and complete hundreds of passes.

Alba struggled mightily against
a pressuring Chile side
So if a team is going to just play through the middle of the field, how do you plan to stop them? Well of course, you're going to stack the middle of the field and outnumber them. Although Iniesta is one of the best dribblers in the world, there is no way he can dribble through three players on a consistent basis. With the center of the field shut down, Spain now has to play wide and use their wing backs to push forward and send in crosses. As shown yesterday, Jordi Alba is not too used to doing this for the national team, and he struggled mightily. It would be one thing if Alba had all day
on the ball to pick out a cross, but the style most teams play now is to be high pressure on the ball.

This brings us to the successor to the Tiki-Taka, a style that I cannot think of the name for. This style, however, is similar to the style Pep Guardiola uses at Bayern Munich; a style where the ball is constantly being pressured and the team doing the pressure is looking for a dribbling mistake from a player who is not used to holding possession of the ball. Look at the Australia v. Netherlands game yesterday. Australia was pressuring the ball very aggressively, and it turned out that they had a 2-1 lead at one point in the game. Australia had a lead over the Netherlands. That is not something that happens by chance.

Compare the Australia v. Netherlands game to the Cameroon v. Mexico game. Cameroon did not pressure the ball at all. They were very content with letting Mexico hold possession throughout almost the entirety of the match until the 80'. This lack of ball pressure made it almost impossible for Cameroon to create any chances. When you don't have the ball, you can't score. Needless to say, Cameroon lost that game 1-0 with only one real scoring opportunity coming after the 80', after they decided to pressure the ball.

So should every team and club start using this high pressure style? It doesn't really matter if they should, they're probably going to.

So is this high pressure, ball attacking style going to be the tactic to rule for the next 20 years? Most likely not, just as Tiki-Taka lasted about 6 years (or until a new tactic arose), this high pressure style will most likely have the same life cycle.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Germany v. Portugal World Cup Match Preview --- Will a Less Than 100% Ronaldo be Enough?

The Group G matches, better known as the 'Group of Death', start today with favorite Germany against a Portugal side with an injured Cristiano Ronaldo. This World Cup has been one of the most exciting tournaments in terms of number of goals scored in history, and hopefully this next match will not disappoint.


The Germans are once again favored as a team to make a run deep through the knockout stages and it is quite clear as to why when looking at the roster. Every position has either a superstar, a former superstar, or a brimming superstar. They arguably have the best goalkeeper in the world in Manuel Neuer, the best right back in the world in Phillip Lahm, and the best center mid in the world in Bastian Schweinsteiger. 

Lahm's ability to know push forward and play more of a midfield spot and send in beautiful crosses and passes all while also being able to get back and play solid defense is what makes him so special. Many past coaches of Lahm have referred to him as the smartest player they have ever coaches, and it is easy to see why when you watch a Germany or Bayern Munich game. 

Unfortunately for the Germans, a key starter and brimming superstar, Marco Reus, was injured in the pre-tournament friendlies and is out for the entirety of the World Cup. Reus is seen as one of the best young players in the world, and his combination of pace, dribbling, and finishing make it obvious as to why. There are several players who can fill Reus' spot quite well, so German fans need not fret.

Tactically, look for a 4-2-3-1 from the Germans, a formation that has been adopted throughout much of the Bundesliga and will allow the German players to play in a system they are most comfortable and familiar with. The lone striker will be Thomas Mueller, who is known for his movement off of the ball and his finishing ability. Although not very aesthetically pleasing, Mueller plays quality football.


The Fighting Ronaldos are going to have their hands full with this German side, particularly with an injured Cristian Ronaldo. Some good news for the Portuguese came in their last friendly when Ronaldo played 65' and seemed to not be hobbled at all. However, the intensity of a friendly match vs. the Republic of Ireland and a World Cup match against Germany are two totally different animals. With Messi scoring a goal and leading Argentina over Bosnia and Herzegovina last night, Ronaldo will be chomping at the bit to score a goal and prove that he is the best player in the world. Unfortunately for Ronaldo, he will most likely be doing this by himself as the other Portuguese players are nowhere near the quality of Ronaldo or most of the German side.


The Germans will show their quality and why the 4-2-3-1 is the best formation to utilize with their roster. Ronaldo will struggle with injury against the strength of the German defenders and will be held scoreless.

Germany: 2
Portugal: 0 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Heat @ Spurs Game 5 --- Can the Spurs Clinch the Title? Live Blog Commentary

MIA-84 SA-107

MIA-81 SA-100 1:53: Great moments for the Spurs that show what a class act Popovich is as he takes out the Spurs starters one-by-one each to a standing ovation.

MIA-72 SA-90 6:30: The Spurs continue to shot lights out from 3-point range and the Heat have no answer. They have even resorted to putting Michael Beasley on the floor for some offensive production. Although the Spurs are up by 18 with half a quarter left until they win an NBA Championship, they have not let up on either end of the court.

MIA-58 SA-77 This game has played out just like the last two ever since the start of the 2nd quarter. An unbelievable shooting performance by the Spurs has left them with a 19 point lead to begin the 4th. Many people wonder how Popovich has such total control and respect from his players, but the answer is very evident if you watch them during blowouts. Although the Spurs have been up by about 20 for the majority of the 3rd quarter, Pop has never stopped coaching and getting on his players -- particularly about any defensive lapses that may occur. This may seem like a small thing, or even a mean thing, but this constant coaching is what has caused the Spurs to not be satisfied. They could have been satisfied with the Game 3 blowout, or the Game 4 blowout, or even the past 4 championships. Instead, the Spurs are on the verge of winning another championship.

MIA-48 SA-65 4:10: Well that was fast. A huge block from Tiago Splitter started the Spurs run that included two three pointers from Patty Mills and a three from Manu Ginobli. The Heat look like deer in headlights at this point.

MIA-40 SA-50 8:17: Not too much action to start this 3rd quarter, LeBron has not been as effective as he was in the first quarter, as Miami is yet to score a point this half. The defense for both teams has been better, but the reason for the low score total this quarter is mostly due to the inability of both teams to make shots.

MIA-40 SA-47: LeBron was limited to just 3 points in the 2nd quarter and Heat offense suffered greatly. The story of this game, and even of this series, is how LeBron has received NO help from his teammates; LeBron has scored 20 on 6/12 shooting, the rest of the team has scored 20 on 6/22 shooting. It's pretty simple for the Heat, if they want to win this game another player needs to help carry the load with LeBron. No player -- even one of the greatest of all time -- can beat a team the caliber of the Spurs by themselves offensively. Wade is old and Bosh is nowhere to be found.

In the 2nd quarter, the Spurs were carried at one stretch by Tim Duncan, and Manu Ginobli at another point. However, throughout the entire game, Kawhi Leonard has been the catalyst for the Spurs, shooting 3s and playing somewhat effective defense on LeBron. Although LeBron has scored 20 points at halftime, Kawhi is still making him work for every point and LeBron seems to not have the same amount of energy in the 2nd quarter as he had in the 1st.

MIA-37 SA-45 1:54: OH MY GOODNESS Chris Bosh just got POSTERED by Manu Ginobli. Ginobli has taken over for the Spurs drawing fouls, driving the lane, and hitting threes.

MIA-35 SA-34 5:40: Tim Duncan has taking over offensively for the Spurs, scoring in the post on the last several possessions for San Antonio. The Heat has a decision to make; double Duncan in the post and open up San Antonio shooters for 3 or make Duncan continue to play well in the post.

MIA-35 SA-28 7:10: Somehow the Spurs are only down 7 despite shooting around the 30% mark. Spoelstra has made some interesting rotation changes using Haslem, Battier, and Cole. Battier has not worked out as of yet, as explained in my previous post, and Haslem is getting worked in the post by the greatest Power Forward of all-time, Tim Duncan.

MIA-29 SA-22: This game has been the LeBron James show from the start. Unfortunately for the Heat, Bosh and Wade still have not really shown up to play. Ray Allen has been the beneficiary of a couple great looks from LeBron, but he has not been perfect shooting the ball. The worst player for Miami has been Shane Battier, inserted off the bench shoot 3s and play D. However, Battier has only fouled jump shooters and set poor screens. If he is not going to play effective defense, there is no place for him on the court.

San Antonio has settled for many jump shots early in the game and needs to penetrate and score in the paint if they hope to close out the series tonight.

MIA-27 SA-18 1:52: The three point shooting of San Antonio has kept them in this ballgame for now. However, their inability to penetrate the inside of the Miami defense has made the majority of their shots very difficult ones. It is unlikely that they will be able to sustain this kind of shooting for much longer, but given how they shot the last few games, anything is possible.

MIA-22 SA-8 4:48: LeBron is definitely on a mission tonight, carrying the team on his back both offensively and defensively. Although his offensive output has been significant, I believe his defensive intensity has been more critical to the Heat's early lead.

MIA-8 SA-0 8:41: Wow, for the first time in a long time the Heat are shutting down the offense of the Spurs. The main reason for this comes from the ability of LeBron James to stay in front of Tony Parker and prevent him from breaking down the Heat defense. Mario Chalmers was unable to do this through the first 4 games of the series, and it showed. Offensively, the Heat still are not reaching their full potential, but the aggressiveness of Wade and Bosh is good to see for Miami fans.

TIP: Let's see how the Heat change the defensive strategy to try to shut down the Spurs for the first time this series.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

England v. Italy -- Gli Azzurri Without an Injured Buffon

Right along with the Spain v. Netherlands match, the England - Italy game is one of the most anticipated matches in the first round of this World Cup. Perennial powers, both teams are looking for some very crucial points with Uruguay fully expected to get 3 points against Costa Rica, neither Italy nor England want to be a whole match in without any points. Unfortunately for us viewers, this could mean that both teams will be playing for a draw and will not be too eager to push men forward. However, given how this World Cup has played out with 20 goals through 5.25 matches, a goalless draw seems unlikely.


The Three Lions have many formidable names like Rooney, Stevie G, Sturridge, Hart, etc., but with recent international disappointments, not too much is expected from England. Tactics should not be too surprising from the English side, especially considering how Gary Neville accidentally leaked them in a picture. The English plan to control the possession game through the middle and complete many short passes. In the picture, a gameplan also appears to center around shutting down Italian legend Andrea Pirlo, the danger man who will be servicing many crosses into Joe Hart's box. While many have seemed to make a big deal over the leaking of tactics, some of these tactics are not too surprising. Of course England plan to shut down Pirlo and try to reduce the amount of crosses he sends in. Tactics will be tactics, but the most important aspect of this match will prove to be the execution. 


Gli Azzurri are reloaded again for a run all the way to the final in Brazil. Aforementioned legend Andrea Pirlo is still going strong and has proved to be the lynch pin for the Italians. Playing alongside Pirlo is youngster Marco Verratti, a upcoming star with a great ability to control the ball through the midfield. Verratti is not the type of player to wow you with his ability, but his importance is similar to a Luka Modric for Croatia and Real Madrid. Upfront for the Italians, and the man who will try to carry the majority of the scoring load this World Cup is the Yasiel Puig of the football world, Mario Balotelli. Balotelli proved his worth in the 2012 Euro Cup, and is out to seek revenge for Italy's loss in the final. Balotelli's finishing ability is what separates him from any other ordinary striker. 

The replacement for Buffon, Salvatore Sirigu
is a very capable backup for the Italian squad
The most recent news and most talked about aspect of today's game came from Gianluigi Buffon's Twitter this morning. In a post, Buffon wrote how he will not be participating in today's match due to an ankle injury he suffered. In between the posts for Italy will be Salvatore Sirigu, a very capable keeper in his own right.


Neither team wants to lose and most likely be down 3 points from the second place team. Therefore, I expect a fairly defensive game between both sides. Just based on how the other games this World Cup have been playing out, I expect both teams to get a goal. 

Italy: 1
England: 1

Uruguay v. Costa Rica Preview World Cup 2014 --- Suarez to Start on Bench

Second game of the four World Cup matches today is between a highly skilled, highly touted Uruguay squad and a Costa Rica team that is haunted by ghosts.


The main story of this game revolves around the fitness --- or should I say, lack of fitness --- of all-world striker Luis Suarez. With the Liverpool danger man coming off of a knee surgery, many doubts surrounded his ability to start for Los Chaurruas. These doubts were confirmed when the official line-up card was released and Suarez's name was seen listed under bench. 
Without Suarez, Cavani will step up to prove his worth for
the Uruguayans

Fortunately for Uruguayan fans everywhere, their squad is not solely built around the top goal scorer in the Premier League. Edinson Cavani is a top striker in his own right, and Diego Forlan was the best player in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Uruguay are one of the favorites to advance out of their group stage and make it deep through the knockout stages in this year's World Cup. Their talent level at every position on the pitch makes this dream very believable.

Costa Rica

This Costa Rican side finished 2nd in the CONCACAF and proved to be one of the more difficult sides to score on. Unfortunately for Costa Rica, top qualifying goal scorer Alvaro Saborio suffered a foot fracture and is out for the entire World Cup. This major injury will make it so that another Costa Rican will have to step up to be an attacking presence. The task will most likely fall onto the shoulders of Arsenal player Joel Campbell. Campbell, in turn, will most likely fall to the ground for no reason. 


The Uruguayans are a top team in this World Cup and will not disappoint. Star players Forlan and Cavani will wreak havoc on the Costa Rican defense, and I full expect both players to score a goal today. 

Uruguay: 2
Costa Rica: 0

Greece v. Colombia World Cup Preview: Will the Greeks Finally Come Out to Play?

The first of four World Cup matches this Saturday is between a boring Greek team and a Falcao-less Colombia.

The Greeks hope to repeat their 2004 Championship run

The Greeks, who shocked everyone when they won the 2004 Euro Cup, will use the same boring, defensive tactics that they always use. If you watched yesterday's Cameroon game, you got a good sample of how the Greeks are going to play; locking in on their defensive half and chasing down runs into the box. The thing is, though, the Greeks are big enough and strong enough and good enough defensively that even the strongest offensive teams will have trouble scoring against them. Strong outside back Holebas and center back Papastathopoulos will anchor the defensive side who are very strong at slowing down and shutting down runs into the box.

Offensively the Greeks will not do much. However, if they were going to score a goal it would most likely come from a set piece like a corner or free kick that connects with the head of a teammate. The Greeks will not beat themselves; you must beat the Greeks


An injured Falcao is a major
loss for the Colombians
When the news that superstar Radamel Falcao was going to miss the entirety of the World Cup, many people lost all hope in the Colombians. The Colombian offense was basically built around the AS Monaco star, and it seemed far-fetched to expect them to be able to re-model their entire offense within a couple of weeks. However, many people do not give enough credit to the other players on the Colombian side who, in their own right, are exceptional footballers. Jackson Martinez is an elite goal scorer for FC Porto and will try to use his strong heading ability to bring home a goal for Colombia. Look for the 5'7" Colombian right back Zuniga to whip in a cross to Martinez for a Colombian golazo.


Ultimately, the Greeks are playing to not give up a goal; they do not care if they score a goal. Without the offensive threat from Falcao, the Greeks will be able to hunt down Martinez and I do not expect a goal to be scored this game.

Greece: 0
Colombia: 0

Friday, June 13, 2014

Chile v. Australia Match Preview


NY Red Bulls Tim Cahill
The Socceroos have virtually no chance to win this game or to get out of this group. With the likes of Spain, Netherlands, and Chile in their group, the main goal for the Socceroos is to score a goal. The main danger man (and honestly, the only danger man) for Australia is 34 year old Tim Cahill. Any goal that will come for Australia will most likely come from a set piece that connects with the head of Cahill.

One of the best midfielders in the world,
Arturo Vidal will look to make a huge
impact for his country

Chile is a very interesting team to watch, especially with one of the best box-to-box midfielders in the world in Arturo Vidal. Another key player to watch is the pacey, quick dribbling forward from Barcelona -- Alexis Sanchez. Sanchez will be the main attacking focus for his opponents, which will most likely open up more room for a player like Eduardo Vargas to score goals and send in good balls to the box.


Australia has no chance to compete with the teams in its group and should just enjoy the sights and sounds of being at a World Cup. The firepower of Chile will create chance after chance and with the finishing ability of Alexis Sanchez, I expect many goals for the Chilean side.

Chile: 3
Australia: 0

Spain v. Netherlands Preview -- Rematch of 2010 World Cup Final

The two opponents are very familiar with one another, but the players abilities are much different this time around. The reigning World Cup Champions, Spain, are once again one of the favorites to make it to the final and possibly win it. Netherlands, on the other hand, are an aging group who are not even expected to make it out of their own group (Chile is favored ahead of them). 
This strike from Andres Iniesta won Spain the World Cup
and has haunted the Dutch for four years


Top players: 

This Spanish side is fully loaded again. Players like Iniesta, Xavi, Xabi Alonso, Cesc Fabregas, Sergio Ramos, etc. make it hard to expect any other team to beat them. 


Top players:

An aging group, this Dutch squad still has some formidable names like Robben, van Persie, Sneijder, and Huntelaar. However, their lack of chemistry with one another makes it hard to believe that they will make too much noise this World Cup.

Costa was born in Brazil but claimed
Spanish citizenship for this World Cup

Many believe that the Dutch are going to keep this game interesting despite their lack quality players in comparison with Spain. However, I believe that the Spanish side is going to pass the Dutch team to death, and the Dutch will not have enough firepower to be able to keep pace with Spain. Robben and van Persie are not going to have enough help up front, and the strong Spanish defense of Ramos and Alonzo will be able to track them down. An early goal by new Chelsea man Diego Costa (playing in his home country of Brazil) and a late 80' goal from Fernando Torres leave the score at...

Spain: 2
Netherlands: 0

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Heat Trounced by Spurs, Again! NBA Finals Game 4 Live Blog Commentary

SA-107 MIA-86 The Heat do not look like they are going to be making any noise the rest of this series. There seemed to be no energy at all this game and I do not see any way that they could muster up some for Game 5. If the problem is lack of energy in Game 4 of the NBA Finals, there is a bigger problem with your team. I usually try to do a game MVP, but honestly, the entire Spurs team deserves credit for this win.

MVP: Gregg Popovich

I predict the Spurs offense to keep rolling in Game 5, and the Heat defense is going to be still absent.

Prediction: SA- 100 MIA-88

SA-93 MIA- 71 5:07 This game has become so boring that I have resorted to watching 2 Chainz freestyles. I do not recommend 2 Chainz freestyles. The Heat are getting dominated by the way.

SA-84 MIA-61 10:30 Udonis Haslem checked into the game and the energy immediately picked up in the building. I feel like Haslem should have been placed in the game much earlier; it was evident that none of the other Heat big men were going to do anything.

SA-81 MIA-57 This one is basically over. The Miami crowd is completely stunned at the lack of effort by their team. The Heat scored 21 pts that quarter; 19 coming from LeBron. Did LeBron really leave Cleveland for this? Just in case you were wondering, Chris Bosh is still alive.

SA-76 MIA-54 2:08 No guard  for the Heat can stay in front of Tony Parker. I would suggest that LBJ could guard Parker, but then the Heat would have no one to guard Leonard. There are just too many weapons for the Spurs, and not enough energy from the Heat.

SA-70 MIA-49 4:10 The Spurs withstood the surge from the Heat and have built up their lead again. I honestly think that LeBron has a stomach bug or some sort of ailment because he is usually not this passive. As for the other Heat players? I think they are either just old or not good enough to compete with the Spurs. Wade keeps complaining to the officials and I forgot that Chris Bosh still plays for the Heat.

SA-61 MIA-46 8:06 LeBron must be reading my blog because he has come out with scoring on his mind in the third quarter. He already has scored 10 points this quarter and the Heat are getting back in this game. This is almost an exact replica of Game 3. Heat fans hope that the ending, however, is different. The Spurs have settled for too many jump shots to start this half. Although Parker has made some, he is not a jump shooter and is much more effective probing the lane.

SA-55 MIA-36 This seems to be a replay of Game 3, except without the 76% shooting from the Spurs. Still, they are well over 50%. I wish LeBron would take over like Michael Jordan would whenever his team got down. LBJ is too good for any defense to stop. On too many possessions he gets the ball and stands there waiting for something to happen. A player of his caliber needs to make something happen. At this point I do not see any way for the Heat to get back in this series -- let alone this game.

SA-53 MIA-33 1:47 There is no energy among the Heat players. LeBron James just got triple teamed in the paint and Mario Chalmers stood at the top of the key like a statue. He has to re-position himself in the corner so LeBron can pass out of trouble.

SA-46 MIA-29 3:07 Guard play for Miami has by non-existent, so Spoelstra has inserted Toney Douglas to try to get some more energy in the Heat players. I would like to see LeBron James and Dwyane Wade be more aggressive on the offensive end; their passive approach reminds me of how Kawhi Leonard was playing in Games 1 & 2 when he was struggling.

SA-37 MIA-28 6:43 Miami has been able to cut the deficit to 9, but there is still a lot of concern in their huddle. Their defense still has not showed up and the Spurs -- specifically Boris Diaw -- are taking advantage of this. Diaw just made a great no-look, behind-the-back pass to Splitter in the paint like he was a point guard.

SA-33 MIA-20 8:55 This Spurs offense is going to talked about for the next 20 years. Their ability to pass a teammate open reminds me of how soccer players pass. This may be the reason why they love to draft International players so much -- their experiences with soccer as young kids carries over into the passing of basketball. Steve Nash said that playing soccer improved his ability to expect someone to be open in basketball; so this idea is not too far-fetched.

SA-31 MIA-19 10:12 The Heat just double teamed Boris Diaw in the paint which led to a wide open three by Danny Green. The Heat defense needs to be much smarter otherwise this game is going to end up like Game 3.

SA-26 MIA- 17 The Heat defense has been much better from last game, but it is still not good enough to expect to win with the rate at which their own offense is going. LeBron James has been playing very well offensively -- drawing help defense and kicking out to open shooters -- but the Heat shooters have not been knocking down their open shots.

SA-22 MIA-13 1:20 Watching the Spurs offense is like watching poetry in motion. The offense is engraved into each players head so much so that they know what teammate(s) is going to be open after the help defense comes. Coupling this knowledge with multiple knockdown three point shooters equals a potent offense.

SA-13 MIA-10 4:59 LeBron James going to the locker room is not a good sign for the Heat. What is a good sign, however, is the fact that Chris Bosh is being much more aggressive and confident than he was last game. He must realize that Boris Diaw cannot/should not be able to guard him on the low block. In Bosh's first basket, Duncan overextended his on-ball defense -- a mistake he also made at the end of Game 2 -- which allowed Bosh an easy drive to the lane.

SA-13 MIA-4 6:52 Danny Green has continued to be aggressive and has made two three pointers early in this game. Both were contested fairly well so the Heat will have to bear the storm of his three pointers as there is not much more they can do. Boris Diaw has continued to be one of the best players on the floor and by far the best passer on the floor. His ability to know where every player is and is going to be allows him to make passers most point guards cannot make. Still looking for Chris Bosh and Mario Chalmers to become active in this game.

SA-4 MIA-2 9:02 The Heat have been much better on the defensive end and the Spurs have not made as many shots as they did last game. Nothing is coming easy for the Spurs at the rim.

PRE-GAME: Look for the Heat defense to be on point to start the game following their abysmal performance in Game 3. Look for a lot of playing time for Andersen, as the Heat will try to control the pick-and-roll game that decimated their defense last time out.

The Spurs have nothing to improve on at the offensive end; if they continue to pass and move as well as they did last game the Heat will not be able to really do anything but outscore them. However, there is much for the Spurs to improve on at the defensive end. Close-outs on three pointers is incredibly important as the Heat have shown their ability to knockdown open threes and both Wade and Allen utilize the pump-fake very effectively.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heat Trounced by Spurs: Game 3 Live Blog Commentary

FINAL  SA - 111 MIA 92: Down the stretch, the Heat really didn't show up to play. LeBron seemed too concerned with foul calls and not with playing the game. The hustle displayed by Leonard, Green and Patty Mills really motivated the rest of the Spurs to get the job done and finish the game strong. This game really never got too close except for a brief stretch in the third quarter when Miami was only down by nine. The game MVP was Kawhi Leonard who was masterful on both the offensive and defensive end, and the co-MVP was Danny Green, who helped to ignite Leonard's confidence with a few early steals and assists.

Look for Miami to answer back in Game 4 with a very impressive defensive effort. Even the best offense in the world can't win a game if your defense gives up 111 points.

Prediction: Miami 98 San Antonio 91

SA - 98 MIA 84: 5.40 4Q. My last post was all about how Danny Green has impacted this game and been the MVP so far. Over the last three minutes, I've changed my mind. Kawhi Leonard is the true MVP of the Spurs so far. His offensive contribution has been outstanding, but even more impressive has been his defense on LeBron James. Although LeBron has gotten his 22 points, he also has an unusually high number of turnovers at 6. This is due in large part to Leonard's superb on-ball defense. He has not allowed James to blow by him and get easy looks in the paint. The majority of the Heat offense is based around the idea that James will get into the paint and draw help defenders. Without this happening, the Heat's offense is very limited in what it could do.

SA - 90 MIA 80: 8.54 4Q. The MVP for the game has truly been Danny Green. So far he has at least five steals to go along  with over fifteen points. However, the Spurs don't seem to realize he's been carrying the team. Every time he makes a mistake in the game, all of his teammates are quick to jump down his throat and Popovich looks like he's about to pull him from the game. If it weren't for Danny Green, I don't think the Spurs would be leading by this point.

End 3rd Quarter  SA - 86 MIA 75: First half was dominated by the Spurs, but the third quarter was dominated by the Heat. Even when the Spurs made a shot, the Heat were able to get the ball quickly up the floor to take advantage of their prolific fast break offense. However, the Heat didn't have to worry too much about the Spurs scoring; they only managed 15 points in 12 minutes after scoring 71 points in 24 minutes. Wade and Cole stepped up on the offensive end to help ease the burden off of LeBron's back and the main attributing factor as to why the Spurs struggled was the absence of Danny Green throughout the majority of the third quarter due to foul trouble. The Spurs big 3 of Ginobli, Duncan and Parker need to step up in this fourth quarter if the Spurs want to maintain their lead.

SA - 81 MIA 68: 3.11 3Q. Tim Duncan is playing very poorly in this third quarter. He's committed some unnecessary fouls on the defensive and has made some poor decisions on the offensive end. With the lineup of Duncan, Bellinelli, Bonner, Ginobli and Mills, the floor is spaced due to all their 3 point capabilities. Whenever Duncan draws a help defender, he should be looking to pass to the wide open shooter instead of trying to draw a foul.

SA - 77 MIA 64: 6.08 3Q. The momentum in the building has shifted in favor of the Heat. The Spurs are no longer making every shot, which allows the Heat to get out on the fast break, a major advantage for their much more athletic team. Danny Green is on the bench with four fouls and the Spurs offense has not looked the same without his presence. The ball has seemed to stick more with the Spurs and the exquisite passing that was seen in the first half is no longer being exhibited. This game is far from over.

SA - 71 MIA - 56. 11.14 3Q. Spurs need a timeout after six quick points by the Heat. Although the first half was dominated by the Spurs, it never really seemed like the Heat was done, especially when you have the best player in the world.

Halftime  SA - 71 MIA - 50. The Spurs just set an NBA record for highest first half shooting percentage in an NBA finals game at 75.8%. Although their offense has been almost perfect, their defense has been sub par as the Heat have scored 50 points in their own right. The only reason the Heat aren't down by over 30 points is because of the 3 point shooting from Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis. Even still, the Heat could make the next twenty-five 3s they attempt, but they still won't win unless they play better defense. The main problem they've been having on the defensive end has been guarding the pick and roll. In my opinion, the Heat need to try to force the Spurs to settle for 3 pointers and long 2s instead of allowing them to get easy looks close to the rim. Although Green and Leonard have proven that they're capable of shooting the 3, the Heat would much prefer open jump shots as opposed to open layups.

First Half MVP: Green/Leonard

SA - 58 MIA - 40. 5.02 2Q. The Heat have managed to cut the deficit to 18 after a couple of 3s by Rashard Lewis. Whenever LeBron gets in the paint, two or even three Spurs collapse on him, leaving a couple of Miami players wide open. It's necessary to help when LeBron drives to the paint, but the defense must communicate so not everyone leaves their man. On the offensive end, the Spurs have finally started to miss some shots, but it's mainly been Tony Parker who hasn't really been in the flow of the game thus far.

SA - 55 MIA - 30: 8.08 2Q. The Spurs can't miss a shot. I don't remember the last time they did. They had the first live-ball turnover of the game, but immediately got it back. The amazing thing about this first half performance has been the fact that Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli, and Tony Parker have not been heard from offensively. The main contributors have been Danny Green, Kawhi Leonard, Tiago Splitter and Boris Diaw. Green has been very aggressive off the dribble and has converted some layups that he has not converted in the past. When you couple his ability to make shots in the paint with his ability to shoot the 3, he's a very tough cover for any defender.

SA - 48 MIA - 28: 9.22 2Q. Heat need a timeout after 7-3 run by San Antonio to open the second quarter. The passing continues to be excellent by the Spurs, and the Heat defense looks utterly confused on any pick and roll situation. The confidence is just oozing out of the Spurs players. Patty Mills just pulled up for 3 on the fast break and drilled it. With James on the bench, other Heat players have tried to be more aggressive, but so far it's only ended with missed shots and turnovers.

End 1st Quarter  SA - 41 MIA - 25: This has been some passing display by the San Antonio Spurs in the first quarter. On several possessions, every single player has touched the ball multiple times, and almost every possession has ended up with an open and converted shot. For a big (and I mean big) man, Boris Diaw is one of the best passers I've ever seen. His ability to pass in the paint is unrivaled and allows for opportunities for the other San Antonio big men to get fouled, if not convert an easy layup. The Heat offense has been limited to LeBron James on pick and rolls. He'll need Chris Bosh (Dinosaur Man) and Dwyane Wade to step up, otherwise there's no way he can carry the team against such a quality opponent.

SA - 35 MIA 23: 1.10 1Q. Even as superhuman as LeBron James is, if he doesn't get any help from his teammates, this game's gonna be over quickly. James needs help on the defensive end even more so than on the offensive end. The Spurs have scored 35 points in the first quarter (and counting).

SA - 27 MIA - 20: 3.38 1Q. LeBron has hit two 3s when the Spurs go under on the pick and roll. If he's making the outside shot consistently, there's almost no way the Spurs can win this game.

SA - 22 MIA - 12: 5.52 1Q. Spurs are switching on virtually every screen. Whenever LeBron gets a big man guarding him, Leonard or Diaw is always lurking in the paint, ready to help off their man. The Heat should space the floor with shooters like Lewis and Allen so LeBron can kick the ball out for open 3s. Mario Chalmers has missed very badly on a couple of shots and the Heat may have to turn to Norris Cole for some better point guard play. Leonard just picked up his second foul on a boneheaded play; this is the second game in a row where he's been in foul trouble.

SA - 18 MIA - 10: 7.22 1Q. Heat need a timeout after Leonard hits a 3. Leonard has been absent through the first two games of the series and it's a good sign for Spurs fans to see him be as aggressive as he's been in these first few minutes. Part of the credit can go to Danny Green, who's come up with a couple of steals and has allowed Leonard to get easy fast break layups. With a player like Leonard, seeing the ball go through the basket even just once can cause his confidence to increase dramatically.

SA - 8 MIA - 6: There is no one on the Spurs roster who can guard LeBron. If he attacks like he just did there is no way the Spurs can stop the Heat. The Spurs have been bailed out on two ticky-tack calls and lead after Duncan's converted FTs

TIP: Both teams start with a basket of their first possession. Per usual the Heat trap on the pick and roll -- a good pass allows Duncan to finish easy at the rim. This will be a key as the game progresses; if the Spurs can manage to not turn the ball over in these trap situations they may be able to win this key game on the road.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The A/C Game --- Game 1 NBA Finals

The situation at the AT&T Center for Game 1 of the NBA Finals was just a complete mess.

At the NBA's biggest stage -- with the two clear-cut best teams in the NBA -- the most talked about topic will be the air conditioning. Or should I say, the lack of air conditioning. 

The malfunctioning air conditioning was cute at first, a small thing that made the game appeal to even the casual sports fan. 

"Haha! It's hot in there... Look at how red Popovich is getting...! I bet Ginobli is proud of his bald spot now...!"

Although the A/C had not been working since tip-off, the players did not seem to mind it so much in the first half. LeBron was even making jokes about it, saying how the Spurs were trying to "smoke us out of here". The Spurs maintained a five point lead at halftime, but the game was played evenly, if not even in the Heat's favor. 

Fast forward to the second half, and the heat really started to wreak havoc on the Heat and Spurs players. Rotations became shorter for both teams and the bench depth of the Spurs became a major advantage in their favor. The only reason the Spurs did not run away from the Heat in the third quarter was due to their inordinate amount of turnovers. Every starter, save Danny Green, had at least four turnovers in the ballgame. 

The Heat were able to take the lead going into the fourth quarter thanks to wonderful performances by Bosh, Wade, and Allen. Ray-Ray even had a fast-break jam circa 2004 Ray Allen (although he did get away with a stiff arm of Marco Bellinelli). A boneheaded foul by Tim Duncan on a converted 3 pointer by Bosh seemed like it may have been a crucial turning point to where the Heat could manage a semi-comfortable lead. However, the Spurs do what the Spurs do and kept themselves in the game with pick-and-rolls between Parker and Splitter -- usually resulting in a dive by Splitter, an on-time, on-target pass by Parker, and an easy layup/dunk for Splitter. Going into the fourth, the Heat had a four point lead.

LeBron suffers with cramps on the bench as he
watches the Spurs offense eviscerate the Heat defense
The fourth quarter was ruled by the heat. Not the Heat, but the heat. Just ask LeBron James. With about eight minutes left in the game, the Heat had back-to-back possessions where LBJ took Kawhii Leonard 1-on-1 in the right corner and settled for a step-back jumper. Both attempts by The King were missed, seeing as he is not the greatest jump shooter in the world. To me, this was an obvious way in which the lack of A/C affected the outcome of the game. A healthy LeBron James is getting an isolation on Leonard (who in his own right is a solid defender) and having shooters post up in the corner and on the opposite wing. After LBJ gets this situation, a drive will result in a layup, foul, or kick-out to an open shooter after the defense crashes to try to help out on the best player in the world. If you watched the first half of the game, you saw one stretch where on back-to-back possessions LBJ drove straight at Boris Diaw and finished pretty easily at the rim. Cramps were not in effect during the first half. 

However, credit must also go to the Spurs offense, who hardly missed a shot in the fourth quarter. Danny Green finally found his shot and rattled off several three pointers. Green is a streak shooter. If he sees one shot go in, you can expect several more to fall. If he misses, however, a close-out on him is not the most important thing in the world. 

The lack of LeBron for the majority of the fourth quarter and the resurrection of the Spurs offense -- in particular the passing game -- caused the last seven minutes of the game to be completely dominated by the Spurs. 

NOTE: Anyone who compares the Flu Game to the AC Game has never played with/experienced a muscle cramp. It is impossible to move. Your muscle is paralyzed.

Spurs -- 110
Heat -- 95

Lance could have solved everyone's problem