Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Heat Trounced by Spurs: Game 3 Live Blog Commentary

FINAL  SA - 111 MIA 92: Down the stretch, the Heat really didn't show up to play. LeBron seemed too concerned with foul calls and not with playing the game. The hustle displayed by Leonard, Green and Patty Mills really motivated the rest of the Spurs to get the job done and finish the game strong. This game really never got too close except for a brief stretch in the third quarter when Miami was only down by nine. The game MVP was Kawhi Leonard who was masterful on both the offensive and defensive end, and the co-MVP was Danny Green, who helped to ignite Leonard's confidence with a few early steals and assists.

Look for Miami to answer back in Game 4 with a very impressive defensive effort. Even the best offense in the world can't win a game if your defense gives up 111 points.

Prediction: Miami 98 San Antonio 91

SA - 98 MIA 84: 5.40 4Q. My last post was all about how Danny Green has impacted this game and been the MVP so far. Over the last three minutes, I've changed my mind. Kawhi Leonard is the true MVP of the Spurs so far. His offensive contribution has been outstanding, but even more impressive has been his defense on LeBron James. Although LeBron has gotten his 22 points, he also has an unusually high number of turnovers at 6. This is due in large part to Leonard's superb on-ball defense. He has not allowed James to blow by him and get easy looks in the paint. The majority of the Heat offense is based around the idea that James will get into the paint and draw help defenders. Without this happening, the Heat's offense is very limited in what it could do.

SA - 90 MIA 80: 8.54 4Q. The MVP for the game has truly been Danny Green. So far he has at least five steals to go along  with over fifteen points. However, the Spurs don't seem to realize he's been carrying the team. Every time he makes a mistake in the game, all of his teammates are quick to jump down his throat and Popovich looks like he's about to pull him from the game. If it weren't for Danny Green, I don't think the Spurs would be leading by this point.

End 3rd Quarter  SA - 86 MIA 75: First half was dominated by the Spurs, but the third quarter was dominated by the Heat. Even when the Spurs made a shot, the Heat were able to get the ball quickly up the floor to take advantage of their prolific fast break offense. However, the Heat didn't have to worry too much about the Spurs scoring; they only managed 15 points in 12 minutes after scoring 71 points in 24 minutes. Wade and Cole stepped up on the offensive end to help ease the burden off of LeBron's back and the main attributing factor as to why the Spurs struggled was the absence of Danny Green throughout the majority of the third quarter due to foul trouble. The Spurs big 3 of Ginobli, Duncan and Parker need to step up in this fourth quarter if the Spurs want to maintain their lead.

SA - 81 MIA 68: 3.11 3Q. Tim Duncan is playing very poorly in this third quarter. He's committed some unnecessary fouls on the defensive and has made some poor decisions on the offensive end. With the lineup of Duncan, Bellinelli, Bonner, Ginobli and Mills, the floor is spaced due to all their 3 point capabilities. Whenever Duncan draws a help defender, he should be looking to pass to the wide open shooter instead of trying to draw a foul.

SA - 77 MIA 64: 6.08 3Q. The momentum in the building has shifted in favor of the Heat. The Spurs are no longer making every shot, which allows the Heat to get out on the fast break, a major advantage for their much more athletic team. Danny Green is on the bench with four fouls and the Spurs offense has not looked the same without his presence. The ball has seemed to stick more with the Spurs and the exquisite passing that was seen in the first half is no longer being exhibited. This game is far from over.

SA - 71 MIA - 56. 11.14 3Q. Spurs need a timeout after six quick points by the Heat. Although the first half was dominated by the Spurs, it never really seemed like the Heat was done, especially when you have the best player in the world.

Halftime  SA - 71 MIA - 50. The Spurs just set an NBA record for highest first half shooting percentage in an NBA finals game at 75.8%. Although their offense has been almost perfect, their defense has been sub par as the Heat have scored 50 points in their own right. The only reason the Heat aren't down by over 30 points is because of the 3 point shooting from Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis. Even still, the Heat could make the next twenty-five 3s they attempt, but they still won't win unless they play better defense. The main problem they've been having on the defensive end has been guarding the pick and roll. In my opinion, the Heat need to try to force the Spurs to settle for 3 pointers and long 2s instead of allowing them to get easy looks close to the rim. Although Green and Leonard have proven that they're capable of shooting the 3, the Heat would much prefer open jump shots as opposed to open layups.

First Half MVP: Green/Leonard

SA - 58 MIA - 40. 5.02 2Q. The Heat have managed to cut the deficit to 18 after a couple of 3s by Rashard Lewis. Whenever LeBron gets in the paint, two or even three Spurs collapse on him, leaving a couple of Miami players wide open. It's necessary to help when LeBron drives to the paint, but the defense must communicate so not everyone leaves their man. On the offensive end, the Spurs have finally started to miss some shots, but it's mainly been Tony Parker who hasn't really been in the flow of the game thus far.

SA - 55 MIA - 30: 8.08 2Q. The Spurs can't miss a shot. I don't remember the last time they did. They had the first live-ball turnover of the game, but immediately got it back. The amazing thing about this first half performance has been the fact that Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobli, and Tony Parker have not been heard from offensively. The main contributors have been Danny Green, Kawhi Leonard, Tiago Splitter and Boris Diaw. Green has been very aggressive off the dribble and has converted some layups that he has not converted in the past. When you couple his ability to make shots in the paint with his ability to shoot the 3, he's a very tough cover for any defender.

SA - 48 MIA - 28: 9.22 2Q. Heat need a timeout after 7-3 run by San Antonio to open the second quarter. The passing continues to be excellent by the Spurs, and the Heat defense looks utterly confused on any pick and roll situation. The confidence is just oozing out of the Spurs players. Patty Mills just pulled up for 3 on the fast break and drilled it. With James on the bench, other Heat players have tried to be more aggressive, but so far it's only ended with missed shots and turnovers.

End 1st Quarter  SA - 41 MIA - 25: This has been some passing display by the San Antonio Spurs in the first quarter. On several possessions, every single player has touched the ball multiple times, and almost every possession has ended up with an open and converted shot. For a big (and I mean big) man, Boris Diaw is one of the best passers I've ever seen. His ability to pass in the paint is unrivaled and allows for opportunities for the other San Antonio big men to get fouled, if not convert an easy layup. The Heat offense has been limited to LeBron James on pick and rolls. He'll need Chris Bosh (Dinosaur Man) and Dwyane Wade to step up, otherwise there's no way he can carry the team against such a quality opponent.

SA - 35 MIA 23: 1.10 1Q. Even as superhuman as LeBron James is, if he doesn't get any help from his teammates, this game's gonna be over quickly. James needs help on the defensive end even more so than on the offensive end. The Spurs have scored 35 points in the first quarter (and counting).

SA - 27 MIA - 20: 3.38 1Q. LeBron has hit two 3s when the Spurs go under on the pick and roll. If he's making the outside shot consistently, there's almost no way the Spurs can win this game.

SA - 22 MIA - 12: 5.52 1Q. Spurs are switching on virtually every screen. Whenever LeBron gets a big man guarding him, Leonard or Diaw is always lurking in the paint, ready to help off their man. The Heat should space the floor with shooters like Lewis and Allen so LeBron can kick the ball out for open 3s. Mario Chalmers has missed very badly on a couple of shots and the Heat may have to turn to Norris Cole for some better point guard play. Leonard just picked up his second foul on a boneheaded play; this is the second game in a row where he's been in foul trouble.

SA - 18 MIA - 10: 7.22 1Q. Heat need a timeout after Leonard hits a 3. Leonard has been absent through the first two games of the series and it's a good sign for Spurs fans to see him be as aggressive as he's been in these first few minutes. Part of the credit can go to Danny Green, who's come up with a couple of steals and has allowed Leonard to get easy fast break layups. With a player like Leonard, seeing the ball go through the basket even just once can cause his confidence to increase dramatically.

SA - 8 MIA - 6: There is no one on the Spurs roster who can guard LeBron. If he attacks like he just did there is no way the Spurs can stop the Heat. The Spurs have been bailed out on two ticky-tack calls and lead after Duncan's converted FTs

TIP: Both teams start with a basket of their first possession. Per usual the Heat trap on the pick and roll -- a good pass allows Duncan to finish easy at the rim. This will be a key as the game progresses; if the Spurs can manage to not turn the ball over in these trap situations they may be able to win this key game on the road.

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