Saturday, June 14, 2014

England v. Italy -- Gli Azzurri Without an Injured Buffon

Right along with the Spain v. Netherlands match, the England - Italy game is one of the most anticipated matches in the first round of this World Cup. Perennial powers, both teams are looking for some very crucial points with Uruguay fully expected to get 3 points against Costa Rica, neither Italy nor England want to be a whole match in without any points. Unfortunately for us viewers, this could mean that both teams will be playing for a draw and will not be too eager to push men forward. However, given how this World Cup has played out with 20 goals through 5.25 matches, a goalless draw seems unlikely.


The Three Lions have many formidable names like Rooney, Stevie G, Sturridge, Hart, etc., but with recent international disappointments, not too much is expected from England. Tactics should not be too surprising from the English side, especially considering how Gary Neville accidentally leaked them in a picture. The English plan to control the possession game through the middle and complete many short passes. In the picture, a gameplan also appears to center around shutting down Italian legend Andrea Pirlo, the danger man who will be servicing many crosses into Joe Hart's box. While many have seemed to make a big deal over the leaking of tactics, some of these tactics are not too surprising. Of course England plan to shut down Pirlo and try to reduce the amount of crosses he sends in. Tactics will be tactics, but the most important aspect of this match will prove to be the execution. 


Gli Azzurri are reloaded again for a run all the way to the final in Brazil. Aforementioned legend Andrea Pirlo is still going strong and has proved to be the lynch pin for the Italians. Playing alongside Pirlo is youngster Marco Verratti, a upcoming star with a great ability to control the ball through the midfield. Verratti is not the type of player to wow you with his ability, but his importance is similar to a Luka Modric for Croatia and Real Madrid. Upfront for the Italians, and the man who will try to carry the majority of the scoring load this World Cup is the Yasiel Puig of the football world, Mario Balotelli. Balotelli proved his worth in the 2012 Euro Cup, and is out to seek revenge for Italy's loss in the final. Balotelli's finishing ability is what separates him from any other ordinary striker. 

The replacement for Buffon, Salvatore Sirigu
is a very capable backup for the Italian squad
The most recent news and most talked about aspect of today's game came from Gianluigi Buffon's Twitter this morning. In a post, Buffon wrote how he will not be participating in today's match due to an ankle injury he suffered. In between the posts for Italy will be Salvatore Sirigu, a very capable keeper in his own right.


Neither team wants to lose and most likely be down 3 points from the second place team. Therefore, I expect a fairly defensive game between both sides. Just based on how the other games this World Cup have been playing out, I expect both teams to get a goal. 

Italy: 1
England: 1

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